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Home / Heating Vest and Jacket / FIR Heating Vest
Ref.Number: FIR Heating Vest
FIR Heating Vest
Patent Heating Technology :
More than 15 years of experience in the field of carbon materials have led TherMedic to the development of cabric, a carbon fiber fabric with the ability to emit far infrared (FIR) energy. cabric’s state of the art production facilities in combination with highest quality standards make this fabric a unique base material for a variety of different applications, including medical therapy.

Compared to conventional heating pads which only produce “line heat”, the TherMedic product line is using the superior FIR cabric heating technology. FIR is a scientifically proven form of heat therapy that works more efficiently and effectively than tranditional heating techniques. Most notably, FIR is a completely safe form of thermal radiation, as it does not emit the harmful Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) like most other electronic products. Unlike conventional heating technology which is using metal wire as heating elements, the unique cabric inside technology uses a carbon fiber fabric which in itself is electrically conductive and therefore does not use any wires. The fabric naturally emits FIR energy which supports various therapeutic applications. No matter if you are suffering from chronic pain or just use it for preventive therapy, TherMedic’s extensive product line is the
right choice.

Specifications :
- Size: shoulder width :457+/-20mm, back length :673+/-20, chest measurement :1143+/-20
- Color:Black
- Voltage:5VDC / 7.4VDC / 12VDC
- Cabric® Heating Pad size(mm): 130(+/-10)*75(+/-5)mm*3pcs